Client Software

Client Software

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Client Software

This is part of a total solution where various components are included in the system. We will offer the software development service for the front end, station level and mobile devices.


Station Level Equipment

The station level equipment are such devices that are installed in the access control area. For example the entrance area of the building. They can be validators, station controller unit or a ticket vending machine.

We will provide the supporting software of the SLE as part of our total solution. For example the software of station controller unit is in charge of the management and monitoring of the gates ad validators.

Front-end Devices

Any validation devices that are integrated in the access control gate or even functioning in the stand alone mode, need a proper software to interact with the fare media on one hand and communicate with the central management system on the other hand. We supply the software development service for such devices with available SDK package as the part of the software solution.

Mobile Application

The mobile applications are being attended in any IT related ecosystem. Either in the admin/operation side or in the user side, the features are accessed more easily for the system users. For example, in an access control ecosystem, the passengers can be validated through their mobile application. Even the admin and operator of the system can get all the alarms of the system on his cell phone through the supervision app.

We supply customized mobile app development for both android and iOS environment.